INSTAGRAM: BLOG: 400 million fewer animals were killed last year due to lessening demand.. vegans DO make a difference. There IS hope. VEGAN MASTER LIST: DOCUMENTARIES: Vegucated Earthling Forks Over Knives Cowspiracy Food Inc. Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead Hungry for Change BOOKS: The Starch Solution The China Study The World
REFRESHING FRUIT HACKS FOR KIDS Hello, everyone! Congratulations, summer is finally here, and we prepared a lot of amazing refreshing hacks for you and your friends. Watch this video up to the end and throw the coolest fruit party ever! One of the important things on any party that most people forget about is order.
RECIPE: Make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more simple, vegan recipes! This is the best Vegan Cornbread! It’s only 15 minutes of prep time and is simple, moist and fluffy, with a hint of traditional sweetness. It’s a great buttery side dish for your Thanksgiving or holiday table! Serve with some vegan butter
Want to start a raw food diet? Now is the time! Here are 10 easy ways that you can start succeeding in living a FullyRaw lifestyle! Living raw is not about eating a “diet,” it’s about living a healthy LIFESTYLE. It’s about thriving, allowing your foods to nourish your body and send your soul soaring!
Raw Beet Juice Recipe for Heart Health. Brock shares a beet juice recipe with benefits for heart and liver health. Juicer used in this video: Subscribe to our channel: Beet Juice Ingredients: – 2 medium-sized beets & greens attached – 2 medium-sized carrots (tops removed) – 2 stalks celery – 1 small handful